酒精 and Drug Policies
学院遵守市和州关于使用酒精饮料的规定. 大学社区的所有成员都应该遵守国家的法律, 以一种反映自己和学院信誉的方式行事, and to share responsibility for the functioning of this policy.
The provisions of this policy are as follows:
- 21岁以下的人在校园里任何地方持有酒精都是违反学校酒精政策的.
- 21岁及以上的人可以在学生宿舍(宿舍房间/套房/公寓/房子等)内持有和饮用酒精饮料.) only if certain requirements are met:
- In housing units that are comprised of one room (Newman, Guadalupe, 等.):
- 如果该房间的任何居民未满21岁,则绝不允许以任何方式饮酒.
- If all residents of the room are 21 or over, 如果房间里没有21岁以下的客人,可以喝啤酒和酒精饮料.
- In housing units that have common spaces such as a lounge, kitchen, 等. that normally house more than two residents (Row House, 校园里的房子, 遗产, 伊丽莎白, 麦当劳, 等.): The regulated spaces in these units are separated into bedrooms and common spaces.
- If all residents of the housing unit are 21 or over, 如果在喝酒时没有21岁以下的客人在场,那么公共空间和卧室都可以喝啤酒和酒精饮料.
- If you live in a unit where some but not all residents are 21 or over, 您应该查看常见问题酒精表,并与您的住宿主任交谈 可能是 possible that alcohol can be kept and consumed in a bedroom of your housing unit.
- If some but not all of the residents of your housing unit are 21, alcohol can never be kept or consumed in any of your common spaces.
- If none of the residents of your housing unit are 21, alcohol is never permitted in any capacity in your housing unit.
- In housing units that are comprised of one room (Newman, Guadalupe, 等.):
- 如果有未成年人在场,任何宿舍都不允许饮酒. Regardless of who is drinking/not drinking, if alcohol is being consumed with a minor present, all parties present are in violation of the College alcohol policy.
- 被分配到宿舍的学生无论是否在场,都要对宿舍内发生的任何违反学院政策(包括饮酒政策)的行为负责.
- 不论年龄大小, (即使你是21岁或以上)在校园里任何地方的学生在非指定饮酒区域(所有居民都是21岁或以上的公寓)饮酒, College sanctioned beer garden, 等.) is a violation of the college policy. Drinking alcohol in parking lots, apartment breezeways, lawns 等. is a violation of the College alcohol policy.
- 年满21岁的学生可以在事先获得学生生活办公室批准的情况下在校园举办含酒精的活动.
- 所有的酒都必须包装好,不开封,当被带到校园和运输到指定的饮酒区域,如公寓,每个居民都是21岁或以上.
- 未经学生生活办公室批准,不允许在宿舍或任何学生活动中携带酒桶. In addition to all violators receiving alcohol policy violation outcomes, kegs/taps that are found will be confiscated by the College and not returned.
- 不允许在非21岁的房间或宿舍的公共空间使用空啤酒和酒精饮料容器. 持有空容器将被视为完全违反学院酒精政策.
- 然而,没有一个神奇的数字来区分几个朋友喝酒和聚会, some limits on number have been set in an attempt to give some guidelines. There 可能是 no more than eight (8) people in a room or sixteen (16) in a 麦当劳 suite; Kremmeter, 遗产, Lemke & Wolf Apartment; Row House; St. Joseph Suite; or campus house, when drinking occurs. 行为不可接受的客人将被要求离开宿舍和/或学院场地. If they refuse to leave, the police will be notified and the college will press charges of trespassing.
Intimidation or harassment of a residence hall director, 与饮酒问题有关的宿舍助理或学院官员, or the refusal to follow their directives, may result in immediate suspension.
Failure to follow alcohol policies will result in disciplinary action. During such an incident, 学生的身份证件将被要求,并且必须在学院官员的要求下出示.
This policy does not sanction drinking parties of any kind in residents’ rooms, but is intended to allow moderate drinking by residents, 他们都已成年, in their room with a reasonable number of guests.
If a student is ever unclear on the alcohol policy, they are encouraged to meet with a College staff member (Residence Director, 等.) to gain clarity on College policy.
本笃会的大学 酒精 Example FAQ
All residents of the room or apartment are under 21.
Can I drink in my bedroom? No.
Can I drink in my lounge? No.
Can others, who are 21, drink in my bedroom or lounge? No.
Can we store alcohol in our bedrooms or lounge? No.
Can we have empty alcohol bottles in our bedrooms or lounge as decoration? No.
All residents of the room or apartment are 21.
Can I drink in the presence of a minor? No.
Can I drink in my bedroom? 是的, if there are no minors present.
Can I drink in my lounge? 是的, if there are no minors present.
Can I drink in my bedroom if there is a minor in the lounge? 是的, with the door closed and there are no minors present in your bedroom.
Can we store alcohol in our bedrooms or lounge? 是的.
Can we display empty alcohol bottles in our bedroom or lounge as a decoration? No.
Can I drink in the presence of a minor? No.
Can I drink in my bedroom? 是的, with the door closed if there are no minors present.
如果未满21岁的室友关着门在卧室里,我们能在休息室喝酒吗? No.
Can we drink in the lounge, if the under 21 suitemate is gone for the weekend? 不,21岁以下的室友周末或上课去了都没关系.在公共区域喝酒总是/仍然是违反酒精政策的.
Can I store alcohol in my bedroom? 是的.
Can I store alcohol in my lounge? No.
Can we display empty alcohol bottles in our bedroom or lounge as a decoration? No.
I’m 21, my roommate’s 20, and both of my suitemates are 21.
Can I drink in the presence of a minor? No.
Can I drink in my room if my roommate is gone? No.
Can I drink in my suitemates’ room? 是的, with the door closed if there are no minors present.
如果未满21岁的室友关着门在卧室里,我们能在休息室喝酒吗? No.
Can we drink in the lounge, if the under 21 suitemate is gone for the weekend? No.
Can I store alcohol in my bedroom? No.
Can I store alcohol in my suitemates’ bedroom? 是的, if they let you.
Can I store alcohol in my lounge? No.
Can we display empty alcohol bottles in our bedroom or lounge as a decoration? No.
Drug and Controlled Substance Policy
本尼迪克特学院对学生的非法药物和管制药物使用都有明确的政策. Existing policies prohibit the 非法 学生持有、使用和分发非法药物/毒品用具 on College property or as a part of college-sanctioned activities.
大学社区的所有成员都应遵守州和联邦法律, 以一种反映自己和学院信誉的方式行事, and to share responsibility for the functioning of this policy.
- 非法制造、分销和分配受管制物质.
- The possession or use of controlled substances without a physician’s prescription.
- Possession or use of illegal drugs/drug paraphernalia.
- Possession and or usage of 任何数量 of marijuana is a direct violation of 本笃会的大学’s drug policy.
- 拥有或使用毒品用具,包括但不限于大麻烟斗, 大麻研磨机, 声音, 等. is a direct violation of 本笃会的大学’s drug policy.
- Possession and or usage of controlled substances without a prescription (e.g., 在没有处方的情况下持有或使用阿得拉)直接违反了本尼迪克特学院的药物政策.
Controlled substances include narcotics, 兴奋剂, 镇静剂, 迷幻剂, 以及根据联邦或州法规,在没有医生处方的情况下持有违禁药物. 非法使用或滥用管制药物不包括根据有效处方使用或法律授权的其他用途.
不遵守药物和管制物质政策将导致本尼迪克特学院的纪律处分. 违反这一政策的性质是严重的,给出的结果将反映违反的严重程度. 每个案件的具体后果将由相应的学院管理人员和任何适用的听证会或行为委员会做出决定. 被发现违反药物政策的学生的后果可能包括:通知执法官员, $500.00细, 药物评价, notification of parents, 药物测试, 缓刑, suspension or dismissal from school.